How does codesandbox clone VMs quickly?
Being able to spin up dev environments in the cloud almost instantly enables users to:
- fork and run any piece of code you see online
- spin up a disposable environment to review someone's PR
- create different environments for different branches
Usecases like an online IDE where the environment does not need to keep running when the user has left, or where the VM can be stopped when the user is inactive to save cost; mean that the user experience improves if you can reduce the delay between the user returning and the VM being ready to use.
Hi there! This is aimed to be a comprehensive guide to virtualization.
Don’t know what virtualization is? Don’t worry you’ve come to the right place. Lol not at all
“Virtualization” is a term to describe the virtual version of a machine
Let’s start at the beginning, you have an operating system running on some hardware. It’s a piece of software interacting with the hardware and abstracting away the hardware from you.
Hello, world!
Hello, world! This is my first blog post.
// A hello world program in rust
fn main() {
println!("Hello World!")
is a macro that prints text to the console.
Made with Zola.